November 22, 2011

4.3 Holy Paladin Gear List

If you've ever taken a look at my 'About' page, you'll know that I sometimes moonlight as a holy paladin. The heals are just so sparkly! With 4.3 and the Raid Finder coming up I've decided to gear my paladin up as a viable raid healer, in case a druid healer is not what my guild needs on a boss. I really enjoy being a healadin too! Possibly more than druid healing but that's a post for another day.

Luíseach is quite poorly geared so I'll be after VP gear and drops from the three news 5-mans - two 378 weapons and a shield? Hell yes! - before I move onto LFR and hopefully guild 10-mans. I will be following a Intellect > Haste => Spirit > Crit/Mastery priority system which means I'll reforge from crit/mastery to spirit on any gear that doesn't have spirit already and reforge from crit/mastery to haste on any gear without haste. I thought I'd share the pre-Heroic gear that's out there waiting for us in case it's a helpful resource for other healadins :)

Items are in rough order of item level but aren't ranked in any other way and all drops are from bosses in Dragon Soul unless otherwise specified. I've also included the two Blacksmithing craftables you could acquire although the recipes are raid drops so you may need to hunt for someone who can create these for you!

If you're looking for more information after this, Kurn's Corner has some in-depth commentary on the 397 items which will also apply to LFR 384 items and Healbot also has a purely 397 list. Over at WoW Insider there's a good discussion of which upgrades to aim for and on the MMO-Champion forums is a handy list of suitable gear ordered from 384 to 416.

This list has been updated with live 4.3 details now but as always, if I've missed anything or you have any suggestions please drop me a comment! Thanks to WoW Insider for the link! <3

Helm of Power - Minor Cache of the Aspects, Well of Eternity
Headguard of Radiant Glory -T13 token (LFR), Warmaster Blackhorn
Headguard of Radiant Glory - T13 token, Warmaster Blackthorn

Petrified Fungal Heart - Morchok (LFR)

Pauldrons of Conviction - Archbishop Benedictus, Hour of Twilight
Mantle of Radiant Glory - T13 token (LFR), Hagara the Stormbinder
Mantle of Radiant Glory - T13 token, Hagara the Stormbinder

Cloak of Subtle Light - Asira Dawnslayer, Hour of Twilight
Drapes of the Dragonshrine - BoE trash drop, Hour of Twilight

Breastplate of Despair - BoE trash drop, End Time
Breastplate of Radiant Glory - T13 token (LFR), Ultraxion
Breastplate of Radiant Glory - T13 token, Ultraxion

Heartblood Wristplates - Yor'sahj the Unsleeping (LFR)
Heartblood Wristplates - Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Soul Redeemer Bracers - Blacksmithing (BoE)

Gloves of Radiant Glory - T13 token (LFR), Warlord Zon'ozz
Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn - Spine of Deathwing (LFR)
Gloves of Radiant Glory - T13 token, Warlord Zon'ozz
Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn - Spine of Deathwing

Waistguard of Lost Time - Echo of Baine/Jaina/Sylvanas/Tyrande, End Time
Dragonfracture Belt - Ultraxion (LFR)
Girdle of Soulful Mending - BoE trash drop, normal mode Dragon Soul 

Time Altered Legguards - Murozond's Temporal Cache, End Time
Greaves of Radiant Glory - T13 token (LFR), Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Pyrium Legplates of Purified Evil - Blacksmithing (BoE)
Greaves of Radiant Glory - T13 token, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping

Pillarfoot Greaves - Morchok (LFR)
Silver Sabatons of Fury - 1650 VP (BoE)

Horned Band - Peroth'arn, Well of Eternity
Ring of the Riven - Hagara the Stormbinder (LFR)
Signet of Suturing - All Bosses Except Deathwing (LFR)
Ring of the Riven - Hagara the Stormbinder
Signet of Suturing - All Bosses Except Deathwing

Foul Gift of the Demon Lord - Minor Cache of the Aspects, Well of Eternity
Seal of the Seven Signs - Warlord Zon'ozz (LFR)
Windward Heart - All Bosses Except Deathwing (LFR)
Heart of Unliving - Spine of Deathwing (LFR)
Bottled Wishes - 1650 VP
Reflection of the Light - 1650 VP
Seal of the Seven Signs - Warlord Zon'ozz
Windward Heart - All Bosses Except Deathwing
Heart of Unliving - Spine of Deathwing

Crescent Moon - Echo of Tyrande, End Time
Scepter of Azshara - Royal Cache, Well of Eternity
Vagaries of Time - Morchok (LFR)
Maw of the Dragonlord - Madness of Deathwing (LFR)
Maw of the Dragonlord - Madness of Deathwing

Ward of Incantations - Echo of Jaina, End Time
Timepiece of the Bronze Flight - Warmaster Blackhorn (LFR)
Timepiece of the Bronze Flight - Warmaster Blackhorn
NB: Timepiece of the Bronze Flight has been hotfixed and now has one red socket with a +10 Int bonus. Change is not showing on in-game tooltips yet.

Demonic Skull - Quest: The Path to the Dragon Soul, Well of Eternity
Ledger of Revolting Rituals - Ultraxion (LFR)
Dragonfire Orb - BoP trash drop, normal mode Dragon Soul



  1. Missing : VP Feet and VP Trinket

  2. Thanks Anonymous! Something always slips through the cracks ;)
