July 01, 2012

Weeks 22 - 25: Being Lazy

So. I uh...hmm. Let's be honest here, and say that I've been really lazy about levelling, reluctant to start Loremaster, dabbling in other games and painting my nails. It's not been completely static though:
  • Wildlight is now 72
  • Enchanting is at 416
  • Inscription is at 225
Not much to tell, except that the levelling block on Wildlight is still very much in place. I can't think of a way round it, either :( PvP isn't my thing, dungeons are getting boring, quests are getting boring! This is probably an unavoidable side effect of levelling too many characters during Cataclysm. This would be my 4th character from 0-85 during one expansion and there aren't exactly any new zones to go through >.>

Any ideas would be welcome!


  1. You could, right now, fly around the world honoring/desecrating Midsummer fires! That's good for a decent chunk of XP!

    1. I should do one to gauge the amount and check the maths - if it'd get me above 75 so I could make use of the DMF enchanting monthly, that would be incentive enough. Didn't really want to do it, but I do at least have all the coordinates ready, right? :)

  2. As Rades posted going to cities getting experience from Mid Summer's npcs is a good way to level as well

    1. Yep, I followed the advice and managed to get a few levels out of them before the festival ended :)
